The fit begins with the teeth


Company News

"Forum of cosmetics enterprises in Guangzhou Development Zo

The morning of January 10, sponsored by the Guangdong provincial food and Drug Administration's "Guangzhou development zone cosmetics business seminar" development zone in Guangzhou Science City, Huan Ya Technology Park, third floor conference room. Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province food and drug administration, food and drug administration, national cosmetic quality certification Committee, Guangzhou development zone, the leadership of all relevant departments and Amway (China) limited, Guangzhou Procter, Connie Reid (China) company limited, Guangzhou Huanya cosmetic science and technology limited, Guangzhou nabiang cosmetics technology limited for the dozens of well-known cosmetics companies attended the Symposium.

In Symposium in the, related functions sector led introduced has currently in I district cosmetics industry profile and the regulatory situation of analysis, and by experts taught has cosmetics production enterprise health specification, and cosmetics production of quality control and trend, related file, and hope the direct company strengthening employees team management, and strengthening Act regulations of learning, and strengthening and regulatory sector of communication and strengthening industry collaboration, build industry prosperity.

At the Symposium, cosmetics company representative says must be guided by the relevant government departments, continue to regulate the operation and self-discipline of enterprise as the criterion, to cooperate with related functions work, strengthen communication and interaction, in order to maintain the healthy development of the industry make the greatest efforts.

Subsequent leaders and business representatives in the Asian Group, accompanied by Hu Xingguo, President visited the Central Asian Science and technology industrial park.

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